Panda Monia

See FAQ for how to join

About Us

Forging a Community

Here at the Panda Monia server we hope to foster a friendly community of minecrafts players no matter what your flavour.

So if you are an artisan builder trying to turn blocks into the many wonders of our voxel world. Perhaps you’re an avid redstoner, who wants to push the limits of what farms can do. Or maybe you just want to sit back, relax and strip mine some diamonds.

Whatever your adventure, we have you covered. So come log in and join us today. The server is open to all. Just be sure to be respectful and lets see what kind of world we can all create.

A beautiful voxel landscape filled with a grand city, lit by steet lamps and the moon built inside a canyon.

A Grief Free Zone

We Have Grief Protection

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